Dallas Police Used Robot with Bomb to Kill Shooter Jul09


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Dallas Police Used Robot with Bomb to Kill Shooter

I’m glad this is starting to get out there a bit: Legal Experts Raise Alarm over Shocking Use of ‘Killer Robot’ in Dallas
The Dallas Police force essentially executed an alleged guilty party by using a remote operated vehicle armed with a bomb.
Stop and think about that for a second. A local police force – granted, an urban police force, meaning, with a large population – has access to AND UTILIZED – a bomb. Popular Science tech editor David Gershgorn puts it this way in the article:

Repurposing a robot that was created to prevent death by explosion clearly contrasts with the way these machines are normally used. Bomb disposal robots are routinely used to minimize the potential of harm to officers and civilians when disarming or clearing potential explosives from an area. They are often equipped with their own explosive charges and other tools, not to kill, but detonate other potential bombs in the area.

I took some video of one of these robots at National Night Out a few years ago.
They used that bomb believing they had no other choice because Micah Johnson, an American, a veteran, someone who, in a matter of hours police somehow determined had no known terror ties or anything else, he just hated white cops and wanted to kill them, refused to surrender.
One of the reasons that there were even protests in Dallas in the first place was because Alton Sterling, a career criminal, who raped a girl, domestic abuse in his home, burglary, was a convicted felon with a gun, and many other crimes it turns out, refused to cede to police after a traffic stop and was shot and killed while struggling after officers saw that he was, once again, illegally in possession of a gun. Sterling never killed anyone; he was just a complete thug who should have been rotting in jail (and would still be alive today, too, had he not struggled but he knew he was going back into the can so he made his choice).
Johnson also made bad and illegal choices but he was suspected of killing five and harming many people, including officers. He was never actually tried or convicted of anything … and he was just executed by the police.
Stop and think, again, about this, in this manner for a second:
The entire nation is in an uproar due to an accidentally shooting by officers who believed they were in danger and killed an illegally armed criminal … but no one is saying boo about the purposeful exploding of an alleged perp by officers who believed they were in more danger and killed a legally armed veteran and possible criminal. Clearly, we have a bigger problem now.