Thanksgiving Moon Nov26

Thanksgiving Moon

My uncle took this great picture of the moon in Portsmouth on Thanksgiving. Wow.

Pushup Bra-Era Heart Nov25

Pushup Bra-Era Heart

I know, I know, but still …

RIP Eli Nov25


Life does not last forever but death is always a friendly reminder to be thankful for everything you have, everything you can do, everyone you touch with your work, words, art, etc. Live life to the fullest, every single day, no excuses. I just lost another friend in the last 24 hours,...

FLA Sunrises Nov15

FLA Sunrises

I recently took a quick trip down to Florida to visit family – specifically, to hang out with one of my brothers and his wife and baby daughter – as well as do some exploring. While there, I was able to stay two nights in hotels along the Atlantic, first in Jacksonville and then...

Jail Melissa Click Nov10

Jail Melissa Click

Tim Tai, the student journalist attempting to cover protests at the University of Missouri, as seen in this video, is a hero. Watch him standing up to protestors who seem to believe that have privacy to not be photographed in a public place protesting. Sorry, dingbats. “The law protects both...

Keystone Stopped Nov07

Keystone Stopped

For those of you who are happy with the rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline construction project, thanks for nothing. TransCanada and North Dakota companies will now be spending more money, more time, creating more pollution, and potentially more danger, by driving and hauling the sand tars...

Only in Mass. Nov05

Only in Mass.

This would only happen in Massachusetts … Bicyclist Mistook Trump Sign to be a Bomb. It’s SMH (shake my head) moments like this that keep me from every considering a move back.

Spotlight Nov04


Jim Baude nails it here: IMHO: The Unsung Heroes Of ‘Spotlight’. It’s important to remember that while the Boston Globe won the Pulitizer, it was a gritty, dogged, relatively unknown – by highly respected, locally – journalist, Kristen Lombardi, who was the first...

Sophie … Nov01

Sophie …

Sophie B. Hawkins … just because. I posted this photo on Facebook back in 2013 and it gave me a reminder that I had posted it … Sigh, I forgot how hot she was in the day. I think I’ll play some of her music today.

Boo, Boo, Scare Oct31

Boo, Boo, Scare

Halloween 2015