Jeb Flailing Jan17

Jeb Flailing

Jeb’s PAC is flailing around at everyone. This is really getting embarrassing. Where’s the anti-Jim Gilmore mailer, so he can try and peel away at his 0.05%?

Enjoy Cheap Gas Jan15

Enjoy Cheap Gas

For those of you watching – and worrying – about the markets this morning and the past few days, like the loss of $1.5 trillion in value literally overnight (which means it really didn’t exist in the first place, it was just paper), don’t … this correction was...

This Bugs Me … Jan14

This Bugs Me …

Here’s something that’s been bugging me a lot lately and it is making me really dislike some people in the journalism/online news clickable fields – this inability to move away from the spin. Take this graphic, as an example, that was Tweeted out during the Powerball fever...

Christmas in January Jan09

Christmas in January

It finally looks like Christmas …

Jeb PAC Flails Jan06

Jeb PAC Flails

Note to Jeb PAC: This isn’t how you grow your candidate from sixth place (8.3% RealClear ave.) in the polls in NH to Christie’s 11.3% fourth place position, no matter how bad a governor Christie has been. SMH…

Gumball-Immigrant Analogy Jan04

Gumball-Immigrant Analogy

Very interesting … something to, ahem, chew on…

Classes Shifting Jan02

Classes Shifting

Interesting data here from the Seattle Times: The incredible shrinking middle class While we all know things are harder – not economically better – the data doesn’t appear to show this. In fact, it’s showing that during the last 40 years, while the middle-class has...

Joy Nov30


Operation Santa Claus, the program by the retired New Hampshire state employees to provide presents for needy kids in the state, fills my heart with joy every time I participate. We did this as kids and now, I think for the last 10 to 12 years, I’ve been doing it, too. Sometimes, my...

Short Stories Nov28

Short Stories

Wifey found an old sketch book of mine when I was a kid. Stuck inside were two Godzilla short story extra credit projects from 1977: “Terrorism in New York” and “The Day the Earth Died.” To be a kid again…

Simply Wrong Nov28

Simply Wrong

I love … I mean, LOVE “The Walking Dead,” but, I’m sorry, it’s an adult show and should not be marketed in this way – as action figures and scenes – to children, in the toy section, along with Megablox, other things. It’s simply wrong.