On the eve of Super Second Tuesday, I have a lot of things going on in my mind, including all of the nonsense happening at many of the political rallies of late – specifically, leftist groups targeting Donald Trump and Trump supporters fighting back. Despite what anyone may think, this...
Why the Civil GOP Debate was Important
posted by Tony
I was glad to finally see some serious questions and fewer of the gotcha questions, something that the Democrats have gotten from moderators for months and yet it often appears as if the moderators want the GOP side to be a circus (and know it will turn into one, too). It’s made for a...
The Truth About NAFTA/GATT and the WTO
posted by Tony
Just so everyone is crystal clear: Neither Bernie Sanders nor Donald Trump are lying about NAFTA or GATT/WTO trade agreements. I co-founded and helped run a nonprofit for four years in Massachusetts – the New England Fair Trade Council, with Bob Baughman – and worked like others...
Wealth, Income Inequality, Capitalism …
posted by Tony
For sometime now, I’ve been collecting some thoughts about wealth and income inequality, the state of capitalism, and how workers and families start to move forward and increase their standard of living. I was prompted to write some of this after my friend Charlene posted a request from...
Trump to CPAC: Bye
posted by Tony
Trump says “Nah,” to CPAC 2016, after “Little Marco” complains about speaking slot time. Oh boy… Instead, the Trump campaign says, He’s going to barnstorm Kansas and then flying to Orlando to attend a rally of 20,000. In other words, he’s going for...
“70% of the White Guy Vote” Needed? Not Really
posted by Tony
When will national political websites like Politico understand the Electoral College system? Articles like this one – “Donald Trump Needs 7 of 10 White Guys” on Politico this morning – are so infuriating. UPDATE: I didn’t realize when writing this that it was...
Kasich’s Missed Opportunity?
posted by Tony
You know, thinking about the crude joke “Little Marco” made about The Donald’s hands earlier in the week, necessitating Trump’s comeback during tonight’s debate about his junk being fine and all, wouldn’t it have been hilarious if Kasich said, “Guys,...
“Racist” Oscars & the Hollywood Elite
posted by Tony
On the eve of the Academy Awards, it’s important to note that the Academy members vote for the winners by ballot – it’s not, say, the people of Idaho or some “white power” group or something. While a lot of campaigning goes on behind the scenes – pick up a...
Note to Trump: Hire Someone to Vet Socials
posted by Tony
Note to Donald Trump: you can’t – and won’t – know every quote you re-Tweet; it’s impossible. However, social media is full of tricksters; and now they consider themselves journalists or vice versa … and you should know this by now. The fight for freedom...