And in the ‘Poor Baby’ Department … Apr15

And in the ‘Poor Baby’ Department …

There is this: CEO Pay Shrank Most Since Financial Crisis And this: In New York, Super Amenities Are a Double-Edged Sword As a side note, I’ve been in love with this building, One57, ever since I first saw the schematics in the Wall Street Journal years ago… wow...

101 Years of the Income Tax Apr14

101 Years of the Income Tax

You don’t have to hate taxes and the services taxes pay for to realize that this is just completely screwed up. The annual GDP of the entire country is about $17 trillion and the federal budget is $4 trillion. This is crazy.

‘Spectre’ Was Good Apr14

‘Spectre’ Was Good

I finally got a chance to watch “Spectre” last night. I didn’t see it in the theatre because it was roundly – and soundly – panned. I disagree. Yes, it was long – 2:28 minutes. Yes, it meandered a bit. But I followed the plot easily and figured out the...

Silly Paul … Apr14

Silly Paul …

Oh Paul, such a silly boy, clearly that bike accident has really gone to your head … Send comedians to fight ISIS? When they cut off the heads of journalists, it’s just because they haven’t had a good laugh lately … What’s the saying, again? Oh, yeah, shut up and...

New and Old: Taste the Floor Apr13

New and Old: Taste the Floor

This week on the Taste the Floor show, I played some new stuff and then followed that with some old stuff, by the same artist. Also, a bit of Britpop at the end. The Taste the Floor show can be heard every Wednesday at 9 p.m. and Saturday 5 p.m. on WNHN 94.7 LP-FM in Concord at online, too....

$641 For What?!? Apr13

$641 For What?!?

Why I rarely go to concerts any longer … Jane’s Addiction, Dinosaur Jr. and Living Colour at “Harborlights” now some bank sponsored pavilion … $187 to $641 per ticket. I mean, I know musicians aren’t making as much money on CDs and downloads as they were...

Release the ’28 Pages’ Apr13

Release the ’28 Pages’

As I’ve been saying for years that we still don’t know everything about the Sept. 11 attacks and until we do, the nation, as a whole, can’t really move on. We also can’t have a real strategy to prepare for the future, either. Check out this report from “60...

It’s Been 24 Years? Apr10

It’s Been 24 Years?

Yes, it has. New York presidential primary memories … We’re living the crazy 2016 mayhem … but 1992? Jerry Brown beats Bill Clinton in the Connecticut primary by 3 percent in a shock victory after Clinton got caught playing at an all-white golf course. Paul Tsongas jumped...

RIP, Barbara Anderson … Apr09

RIP, Barbara Anderson …

RIP, Barbara Anderson. I will never forget the help she gave us when we took on nearly every public and private interest to save Fenway Park from demolition. While we didn’t agree on everything, she was often complimentary of my work, posting a number of my investigatory pieces on their...

Planes Drop Seed Bombs Apr08

Planes Drop Seed Bombs

I love this idea! Planes Drop Seed Bombs! This and the construction of desalination plants all over the world, to bring fresh water and an oasis to the deserts, immediately, are the only ways to combat potential climate change issues and sea water elevations. Are the hypocritical movie stars...