Donald Trump Wins The Presidency Nov09

Donald Trump Wins The Presidency

Congratulations, Mr. President-Elect. Nice job everyone involved in all of the campaigns, including the ignored independents, for all of your hard work this campaign season. We must accept the results and face the future together. The nation has a lot of work to do. More later. Markets...

Trump By a Sliver? Nov07

Trump By a Sliver?

I have been toying with this 289 Electoral College win prediction by Trump even before he was the nominee and I’m going to stick by it. It might be even closer than that. But, why vary from what you’ve believed in before? Here are two other posts to eye: “70% OF THE WHITE GUY...

‘Easy Street’: Torturing Daryl Nov06

‘Easy Street’: Torturing Daryl

The Collapsable Hearts Club’s “Easy Street” … The Walking Dead Daryl torture song. Frankly, it’s less annoying than all the political ads:

Trump Gamble, Manipulation, More Nov06

Trump Gamble, Manipulation, More

Thank goodness this election is almost over … The Gamble of Trump The WSJ never endorses in the presidentials. And this is not a pro-Trump editorial, BTW. In fact, it could be seen as negative – because the editorial board of the Journal is so wedded in believing its core...

Saradon, Phew … Nov05

Saradon, Phew …

Even smarter than she is beautiful … “I don’t vote with my vagina…” LOL … can you believe she’s 70? Wow …

New Tunes, Closing Out G Songs Nov02

New Tunes, Closing Out G Songs

Here’s what I played this week on the Taste the Floor show: The Jesus & Mary Chain: Taste the Floor The Honeyfire: Replica Hope Sandoval and The Wild Inventions featuring Kurt Vile: Let Me Get There Sex With Strangers: Space in Time Bec Sandridge: High Tide The Pale White: That...

WATCH: Halloween 2016! Oct31

WATCH: Halloween 2016! Oct31

This is why I use on my iPhone instead of Google: Unfiltered search. During the weekend, I was trying to find out where a Clinton rally in Ohio was happening after someone photoshopped the crowd – repeating the same crop – to make the crowd look larger than it was....

And we never get to it … Oct30

And we never get to it …

Yup …

Sign of the Times: Needles Oct30

Sign of the Times: Needles

Men’s room, Mall of New Hampshire. I don’t recall noticing this before although I haven’t been to the food court of this mall in about three years. Since I’m on the Manchester Police email list, I know there have been a lot of overdoses and drug arrests in this...