God Save the Republic
As I wrote 10 days ago, I’m trying really hard to stay off Facebook … it’s hard; it’s like crack … but I’m trying.
I had a few notifications this morning so I decided to check them and up popped this thread of people going back and forth about Hillary and Trump. Yes, Facebook crackhead Tony made the mistake of reading it … It was the usual stuff and then this dingbat from Massachusetts countered an anti-Hillary comment with the following:
“4 people died with Hilary how many people died with Bush and no one called him a killer.”
When I (mistakenly) shared a thorough link with pictures of the colorful things said about Bush at the time … how quickly we have forgotten … showing that, yes, he was called a killer and many liberal political activists also called for him to be EXECUTED, she countered:
“But Bush send (sic) us to war ! Hillary had nothing to do with a war!”
Yes, it’s time for a history lesson …
I then wrote:
If by “Bush (sent) us to war,” you mean, the invasion of Iraq, well, respectfully, Hillary Clinton’s hands are just as bloody. She voted for the invasion of Iraq in the U.S. Senate and she voted to support it financially, repeatedly. She also supported the Iraqi Liberation Act in 1998, when her husband was president and wanted to invade and topple Saddam because he used the chemical weapons our government sold him against his own people.
You’re simply incorrect about our history when you say “no one called Bush a killer” when they did and wanted him executed while in office, too. Unless, you’re now saying, that it was justified in Bush’s case … but then you say it is not in anyone else’s case for killing all kinds of innocent people in cruise missile attacks – Bill Clinton – or drone strikes – Barack Obama – or voting to support those and other actions while a Senator – Hillary Clinton? OK then. SMH …
She countered:
“I dont think anyone should be called a killer but I do think that people would have more reason to call Bush one.”
More reason to call one a killer over the other when they have both have killed.
God save the Republic.