Charles Koch, Hilarious …
This is hilarious … and in reality, this isn’t actually about Hillary Clinton; this is about Donald Trump and to a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders (who still has a tiny shot at the nomination). Trump challenges much of what the Kochs hold dear – free trade and globalization which lead to slave wages in other countries, foreign instability, as well as illegals working under the table and H1, F1 visas here in America, crony capitalism, etc. All of that ends in January 2017 if Trump and/or Sanders are inaugurated. At some point, I truly hope, the majority of Americans who fear Sanders’ socialist-populism as well as Trump’s nationalist-populism will sit down, open their eyes, and really see what is going on right in front of them. You’re being manipulated by people who have everything to lose while we fight about the crumbs. Seriously.