Enjoy Cheap Gas
For those of you watching – and worrying – about the markets this morning and the past few days, like the loss of $1.5 trillion in value literally overnight (which means it really didn’t exist in the first place, it was just paper), don’t … this correction was coming, everyone knew it was coming, it won’t harm most of us.
What is going on right now shows the complete and utter failure of the globalists who have been screwing up this country since the 1970s, perpetuated by people like Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich, and others who worship at the alter of “free trade.” They put us on this path and have helped run what was the greatest economic power in the world into the ground, all for the benefit of the people who already had money and were at the right place at the right time. As I said more than 20 years ago on my Boston radio show, the United States cannot survive as an economic power if the only thing we do is shuffle paper around and everyone else’s laundry. The powers that be are systematically lowering our standard of living to be closer to the rest of the world. It’s not “a conspiracy”; this is the outcome of failed, indoctrinated, and enshrined public policy that has made millions of people in the United States poorer, enslaved hundreds of millions of people around the world, at $2 a day, to make goods for the first world consumer markets and these monied interests richer. This policy has also helped lure some of our weak minded global citizens into radicals that are now poised to do harm to many.
Taxing the billionaires, however, to pay for more government, won’t do anything to fix this … there are not enough rich people. As well, taxing them just pays for more government which is already too big, involved in too many things, and in the pocket of big business and big labor. In fact, increased government spending – especially on the military that is offensive, not defensive – and the health care and pension liability of 20+ million govt employees on the federal, state, and local level – has created a $75 trillion hole that we will never be able to pay for and never be able to sustain.
Enjoy the cheap gas prices though: Dow Tumbles 391 Points Amid Global Rout