Has it Been a Year? Sep05


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Has it Been a Year?

Yes, just about.
I sent out a Tweet earlier this week noting that it was a year ago that national political headlines were made by Patch on a silly thing: A Republican candidate for U.S. Senate taking a canoe ride.
Scott Brown, the former Senator from Massachusetts who then moved to New Hampshire, where he had owned a beach house for many years, decided to run for the Republican nomination to challenge incumbent U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-NH.
Brown, as we know, lost the race. But he did have some fun along the way, including this canoe ride with Merrimack County Sheriff Scott Hilliard … and the tracker.
I love the line from Andrew Kaczynski from BuzzFeed – “Seriously put this photo in a museum on modern American politics.” Sometimes, going to the small, silly things can reap big rewards … a Huffington Post pickup and a pretty cool, historic, Tweet.