How Do We Combat the Russian Time Travelers? Mar14


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How Do We Combat the Russian Time Travelers?

To think, our federal government has been spending $1 trillion a year for our defense and spying security state and somehow, the Russians magically knew in 2005 that Donald Trump would run for president and win, and that’s why an oligarch overpaid for one of the president’s previous properties, in an effort to control him, like a Manchurian candidate. With that kind of forethought, what have we been thinking? No amount of money can combat this.

The Russians must have a time machine that they’ve been using that we don’t know to travel ahead in order to know what’s going on and then, travel back in order to alter the future to their benefit.

Maybe they kidnapped Doc Brown and now have control of his DeLorean with the flux capacitor and are zipping all over time to bend it to their will. At the same time, they’ve been using primitive means of spying to throw our security state off the scent.

We all owe Rachel Maddow an extreme debt of gratitude for exposing this evil scheme to all of us.

Can we now expect liberals and Democrats who never want to give more money to the Pentagon to start filing bills to increase the DOD in order to bring on another Cold War to defeat the time travelers of Russia? Will this even work? How can anyone combat the time traveling that the Russians are obviously perpetrating against the good people of America to destroy our democracy? What are your solutions? I’m all ears on this one.

Yes, this is sarcasm.

In all honesty, here’s what we learned: In one year, Trump paid more money in federal income taxes than I will in my lifetime, most assuredly. In fact, I venture to bet that he paid more money, in one year, than every member of my family will ever pay or ever paid in their entire lives.

And then we learned via the Drudge Report that Trump paid a higher percentage in taxes than Mitt Romney, more than Barack Obama, more than Comcast, MSNBC’s parent company, and more than Bernie Sanders, too.

Oh, and before you go on about those evil “loopholes” … no, deductions aren’t loopholes; if a person or company spends money to make money or lose money, they get deduct those loses and expenses against gains.