Trump’s Pretty Good Speech Jan20


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Trump’s Pretty Good Speech

I was just going to put a short note up but then, it got carried away. However, here are some thoughts about the Trump inauguration.

First, I thought President Trump’s speech was pretty good. It struck at major themes that are long overdue, most importantly: The American people have to take care of ourselves first and then after that, we can help everyone else. It has been the other way around for way too long.
A couple of people have noted to me privately that many of the same things he spoke about were things I’ve been talking about for decades now (and I thank you for remembering … even if you don’t like our new president). This is why many people, for the first time, voted Republican.

I’m not a huge flag-waving type, but I loved this line: “When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.”

Bingo. We all bleed the same color, as he noted in the speech, too.

Anyone who knows me knows that I love a good riot. But I’m tiring of them. Rallies? Fine. Protests? Fine. Throwing rocks at cops, burning limos, and vandalizing businesses because your political side lost? Sorry, crybabies, grow the eff up. You’re going to lose folks like me.
I didn’t think this was respectable or acceptable behavior when it was done to W, someone I despised, when angry, Sore Losermans were throwing eggs at his limo in 2001. As we all know, none of this EVER happened at either of Obama’s inaugurations; the only time I have seen a Brooks Brothers riot was during a recount scene in Miami-Dade County in 2000.

Truly, no matter what we think of President Obama and his family, we need to thank them for their service to the country. I’m sure the entire experience was an amazing one and something few Americans will ever experience.

Thank you.

And lastly, thank you, to many of you who have refrained from complaining like lunatics, refused to stoop to the lowest of the low by making awful, frankly, disgraceful comments, wishing death to others, and other nonsense because your side lost. People like me – and many others – have had to endure (in my case, 36 years) presidents we didn’t vote for, didn’t respect, in many cases, didn’t deserve to be elected but were because of family names or messiah-like speeches, etc. Still, they were all our president. This man did the impossible, against all odds. He’s our president. Period.

It’s time for the nation to come together, fix our problems, and heal. The electioneering can wait until 2018.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Dietsch-Pool/Getty Images