Michael Moore Nails It Oct25


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Michael Moore Nails It

I’ve been saying this since Donald Trump got in the presidential race. Michael Moore is urging everyone to vote for Hillary Clinton. But he nails it here – this is why Trump is so popular. Millions of people have been getting creamed. The country is going to hell. The federal government is too big, too expensive, involved in too many things.
So many people are angry and fed up; they know what they want and they know how to get it, as the song goes … Trump isn’t the cause of the Republic being placed in danger; we are still in “Obama’s America” … Trump is just the catalyst right now of deeper problems. It was the same way with Jerry Brown and Ross Perot in 1992 and Pat Buchanan in 1996 and Ralph Nader in 2000 and Howard Dean in 2004 and Bernie Sanders in the primaries this year. They all didn’t get this close.
The Republic is in danger because we’ve completely lost focus of what the nation is as a Republic. The federal government was supposed to be limited; it exists to protect our rights as individuals – not award wants, label them rights, and then control every facet of our lives. Your rights are limited. Your success is based on what you do with them…
We, as a nation, could have dealt with all these problems years ago. But we didn’t. We allowed a handful of people – the Bushes, the Clintons, etc. – to destroy what generations have built, all to line their own pockets and the graft of their sycophants. And the worst part about it is that there is no place left to escape to, if need be. This is it.

Moore has more – LOL – here.