Thoughts About the Third Debate Oct19


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Thoughts About the Third Debate

A few quick thoughts about the third debate.
First, this was Trump’s best debate out of the three; he isn’t a polished pol, so be it. I thought Clinton was good in places, too, and she was clearly speaking to the voters that she needs to win. Chris Wallace asked some serious questions, which was great, and he actually tried to control the process, too.
Will it make any difference? No, probably not.
I’m still standing by my prediction that Trump will win by 289 Electoral College votes. Last year, I said the polling would undercount the non-voters. The polls did in the primary; they are in the general, too.
Lastly, for all the people who are making a stink about Trump’s comments about waiting to see what the results were before accepting them, how quickly you’ve all forgotten the 2000 election. Al Gore didn’t concede the election until Dec. 13, 2000, six weeks after the vote and after exhausting every opportunity to win the presidency before Bush v. Gore at the Supreme Court ended the election/Bush was “selected.”
If there is rampant fraud this year – and we are already seeing all kinds of stories about problems – I wouldn’t concede either. As we all know, the Democrat’s primary process was rigged against Bernie Sanders … why wouldn’t the Democrats do what they could to steal it from Trump? The Democrats were paying people to start riots at Trump rallies. Seriously? Clinton said she was horrified by the comment by Trump. You know what is horrifying? The rampant voter registration, absentee ballot, and yes, fraud, that has been going on everywhere for years and year (by both sides, too). It’s happening everywhere, just to win elections and protect the crumbs for your sycophants.
None of Gore’s supporters accepted the result of the election in 2000 so why should Trump supporters have to accept a Clinton win? I was watching on C-Span during Bush’s inauguration in 2001 while protesters were standing along the road line booing and throwing eggs at the president’s limousine. Yeah, “Kumbaya” … not! No one on the other side accepted Bush until the Sept. 11 attacks … and that quickly faded after Bush invaded Iraq two years after 9/11 – with the help of Clinton voting for it in the Senate.
Lastly, as I’ve said before, the Presidential Debate Commission should have allowed Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein into the debates. It’s time to move beyond the two private political party nonsense that is destroying the country.