Release the ’28 Pages’
As I’ve been saying for years that we still don’t know everything about the Sept. 11 attacks and until we do, the nation, as a whole, can’t really move on. We also can’t have a real strategy to prepare for the future, either.
Check out this report from “60 Minutes” on Sunday night.
All the memorial services, monuments, shared rubble, etc., don’t change the fact that nearly everyone involved with the 9/11 Commission Report knows there is more out there and knows that the public doesn’t know. They didn’t even investigate all the leads they had because they didn’t have time. Seriously? Thousands of people die and you don’t have time?
It’s time for a re-boot. Start here, by releasing the 28 pages that were redacted from the report, something we all have a right to know. Then, the commission should be re-opened and everything investigated openly and honestly. If it takes years and years, it takes years and years. Stuff we should have known decades ago has come out recently about Pearl Harbor. Time is what it is. I’ve read the commission report twice. I seen numerous documentaries. Much of the attacks still does not make any sense starting from how a $1 trillion a year security state could be brought to its knees by a bunch of clowns with box cutters. But the start of the re-boot – the release of the 28 pages – is about our right to know.
For Mass. folks, next time you see U.S. Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Boston, tell him, “Thank you.”