Well, I was close …
I thought for sure that the polls before New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary would tighten … but, they didn’t. Actually, they widened, and voters gave Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders decisive, massive victories, while voter turnout was the highest in the primary’s history, going on 100 years. This year, undeclareds in New Hampshire chose to the Republican ballot whereas they chose the Democrats in 2008. About 40,000 fewer people chose the Democrat ballot this year than in 2008 while 50,000 more people in 2016 than 2008 chose a Republican ballot. Interestingly, Trump won both the uneducated blue collar vote and those who are highly educated, too. Despite the drop in Dem ballot participation, Sanders received 39K more votes for the win than Hillary received in 2008 when she won.
Exit polls – a sampling of thoughts shared by voters to data gatherers after voting – showed Trump winning college educated AND non-college educated voters by 10 to 27 percent over John Kasich, who came in second. Half of the voters who said they had their minds made up voted for Trump. Trump swept indies, registered Republicans, very conservative, and moderates.
For Sanders, his support was also wide. He only lost Baby Boomers to Clinton in the age category as well as electability in November and experience to be president.
Here’s my coverage on Patch: 2016 New Hampshire Primary Winners: Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders.