“Racist” Oscars & the Hollywood Elite Feb28

“Racist” Oscars & the Hollywood Elite

On the eve of the Academy Awards, it’s important to note that the Academy members vote for the winners by ballot – it’s not, say, the people of Idaho or some “white power” group or something. While a lot of campaigning goes on behind the scenes – pick up a...

Note to Trump: Hire Someone to Vet Socials Feb27

Note to Trump: Hire Someone to Vet Socials

Note to Donald Trump: you can’t – and won’t – know every quote you re-Tweet; it’s impossible. However, social media is full of tricksters; and now they consider themselves journalists or vice versa … and you should know this by now. The fight for freedom...

Thankful for Low Oil Prices Feb20

Thankful for Low Oil Prices

At about this time in 2011, after purchasing home heating oil for $3.50 a gallon, the second highest price paid since 2003 when I moved back to New Hampshire, I did some analysis on my blog about usage and costs. I requested a complete purchase spreadsheet from our oil company –...

De-Politicize Supreme Court Nominations Feb14

De-Politicize Supreme Court Nominations

Mitch McConnell’s reaction to the death of Antonin Scalia, that any nomination should wait until the next president is elected, is just another glaring example of what is wrong with the Supreme Court nomination process. President Obama is required to make a nomination; it’s part...

This writer nails a lot … Feb13

This writer nails a lot …

Trump’s America: There’s nothing irrational about Donald Trump’s appeal to the white working class, writes Charles Murray: they have every reason to be angry. Photo posted on Patch courtesy of Jeffrey Hastings/Frame of Mind Photography. FrameofMindPhoto.com.

Well, I was close … Feb11

Well, I was close …

I thought for sure that the polls before New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary would tighten … but, they didn’t. Actually, they widened, and voters gave Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders decisive, massive victories, while voter turnout was the highest in the...

#FITN2016 Predictions Feb09

#FITN2016 Predictions

Predictions … Since I was completely wrong on Iowa, why not try again? First, the GOP: Trump by at least 10 percent. I think the polling is high but not that high. It’s been a 15 to 20 point lead for many, many months. I don’t see it collapsing even with so many people...

Did Hillary ‘Steal’ Iowa? Feb08

Did Hillary ‘Steal’ Iowa?

Well, well, well … What I saw in Iowa convinced me Hillary Clinton is the best qualified candidate to lead a broken, corrupt system

It’s Almost Over … Feb08

It’s Almost Over …

Thankfully… and, no, this is not all the mailers I received for the 2016 New Hampshire primary; it’s just some of them…

Goodbye to The Boston Courant Feb07

Goodbye to The Boston Courant

Karma, sometimes, is a bitch. Goodbye, The Boston Courant, or, The Back Bay Courant, when I worked for it in the late 1990s: Back Bay newspaper’s famous refusal to put up a Web site has driven it out of business I could write a very, VERY long blog post or maybe even a short book about...