Made you look!
Nice “made you look” newspeak/spin newsletter here by NHPR. “Would a Trump Win Mean ‘Rock-Bottom’ for NH’s GOP?” What?, I thought. Most of the people I know who are/were members of the NHGOP already think it has already hit rock bottom … and did years ago. Then I scrolled down to the links and see Josh Rogers’ report from last night: “Trump’s Dominance Widens Rift Within N.H.’s GOP.” Well, OK, made me look. Rogers’ report is a collection of snippets including people commenting from Trump’s Claremont rally 13 days ago. It’s not bad or anything. But the newsletter programmer could have easily led with the Trump Dominance headline, which is just as strong, instead of Rock Bottom, which isn’t really accurate and has a negative connotation, and is really spinful (yeah, I know that’s not a word…). Again, Trump has NOTHING TO DO with the condition of the NHGOP; his popularity is a SYMPTOM of it; people – not just Republicans – want ACTION, the same as Bernie Sanders’ supporters.