Jail Melissa Click Nov10


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Jail Melissa Click

Tim Tai, the student journalist attempting to cover protests at the University of Missouri, as seen in this video, is a hero. Watch him standing up to protestors who seem to believe that have privacy to not be photographed in a public place protesting.
Sorry, dingbats.
“The law protects both of us being here…” one person is heard saying in the video.
That’s right, baby. Get used to the Bill of Rights. What the heck are they teaching these students in college these days?
This situation at the University of Missouri effin’ frightening. As I said on another post, so much of this society is coming completely unraveled over these imaginary things while real, horrific things are going on right in front of us… watch to the very end, where “media studies” professor, Dr. Melissa Click pushes – i.e. ASSAULTS – a videographer. She needs to be brought up on charges. Did you not learn, Keep your hands to yourself?