Keystone Stopped
For those of you who are happy with the rejection of the Keystone XL Pipeline construction project, thanks for nothing.
TransCanada and North Dakota companies will now be spending more money, more time, creating more pollution, and potentially more danger, by driving and hauling the sand tars oil via rail and trucks to refineries in the south.
Question: Did you really think stopping the pipeline would stop the oil from being mined? Seriously? By not allowing the increased capacity of the pipeline you have not reduced a single molecule of carbon from entering the atmosphere (for trees to suck up and convert into oxygen) but, instead, have sent millions and millions more tons of carbon into the atmosphere. You have increased the number of potential deaths on highways due to more trucks being on the roads. You’ve increased potential environmental harm if there are truck or rail crashes. You’ve made it potentially, in the future, more expensive to run our cars and kept thousands of badly needed American jobs from being created. You’ve made the geo-political climate more unstable because we can’t utilize what we have to be energy independent. And you’ve done nothing to increase renewables and done nothing to actually “save” the planet. You were duped by politics and the Earth religion instead of commonsense.
Thankfully, some jobs will be created just at a slower pace due to the extended time it will take for the oil to move from the northern region of the continent to the south and yes, we need to plant and curate more trees, too. But this was just absolutely so dumb