Illogical SNL
Sometimes, I have to wonder …
With this logic, why not just throw the Constitution all out? Yes, this is sarcasm, but think about it …
The federal government can decide to establish a religion – better be careful with this one, Planned Parenthood supporters and pro-choicers, a few Electoral College votes going the other way and you’ll be bringing on “The Handmaiden’s Tale” and forced to have every fetus that’s conceived to full term because, you know, it’s SNL’s logic that it should all be thrown out because the Founders owned slaves …
Right to speak? gone …
The press? Thanks to Bill Clinton’s Telecom Bill in 1996, the corporations already control much of the media, they will do what they’re told to go along to get along (they caved on the data compliance because, you know, we’re all terrorists now), and we already have the compliance and obedience of the national press corps manipulating the masses as it is … they’ve already passed all kinds of rules and “free speech” zones to control assembly … throw out the need for warrants, probably cause, etc. – yeah, those are gone for a lot of folks and just round up the rest of the folks and force them all to be held on very high bail … how long before we’re forced to quarter military soldiers?
Seriously folks, if you don’t want the Second Amendment, no problem, propose a Constitutional amendment to change it, get it approved in the Congress and then state Legislatures. That’s the process. But be prepared because the wind can shift against you and your interests. Or, instead, accept the Constitution for what it is, warts and all, and embrace the best and worst of freedom and choice, and make the best of it.