Boo, Boo, Scare Oct31

Boo, Boo, Scare

Halloween 2015

$719B More Oct19

$719B More

China’s economic growth falls below 7 percent for the first time in ages and everyone flips out. The last time we saw 7% was 1984 – 7.3 percent, to be exact – during the “evil” bipartisan Reagan-Tip years. What would 7% look like for the U.S. today instead of 2...

Illogical SNL Oct18

Illogical SNL

Sometimes, I have to wonder … With this logic, why not just throw the Constitution all out? Yes, this is sarcasm, but think about it … The federal government can decide to establish a religion – better be careful with this one, Planned Parenthood supporters and pro-choicers,...

Hey Rubio… Oct17

Hey Rubio…

Notes to Rubio campaign: 1) Never mail two pieces on one day; spread them out, and 2) Indie voters like me want sensible, common sense solutions to problems, not necessarily “conservative” solutions.

U.S. In Danger Oct14

U.S. In Danger

And this is why the nation is in danger: A docile, obedient press corps: CNN Debate: Press Room EXPLODES IN CHEERS as Bernie Sanders Demands Media Stop Reporting on Hillary’s Email Scandal. Anyone who thinks the Clinton email scandal is a partisan issue has no clue. The FBI isn’t...

Panoramic Jeb Oct14

Panoramic Jeb

Panoramic photo of Jeb Bush town hall at the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord, NH, on Oct. 14, 2015, using an iPhone 5c.

The Moon Oct06

The Moon

Wow, check out these pictures from the moon from the Project Apollo Archive, all in HD.

Brilliance Oct04


Something You Never Realized About The Joker. Mind Blown.

Welcome Back Oct04

Welcome Back

Lower your subscription rate and sure, you’ll get my business back. And yes, baby, I missed you! #wsj #journo